Check out the article on Docker compose to get a good understanding of Docker-compose in depth. I would love to hear your thoughts, there are of course few more examples related to networking could have been added into the example section. But if you have read the networking section before, things should be simple to figure out for docker-compose. The Docker cheat sheet provides some examples of commands for building images, running containers, etc. Build an image from the Dockerfile in the current directory and tag the image: docker build -t myimage:1.0. List all images that are locally stored with the Docker Engine: docker image ls. This tutorial brings you a docker command cheat list in a printable A4 size and also in a pdf format for your quick reference. Please keep us posted if you need us to add more commands. Commands are categorized in 7 sections as listed below. Contents of Docker Cheat sheet. Starting and Stopping; 1.3.
Docker is an increasingly popular tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy and run applications within a container. We recently published an article – Data Scientist guide for getting started with Docker – which hopefully laid out some of the basics. As we have done in the past with SQL, Python Regular Expressions and many others, we thought it would be useful to have a centralized cheat sheet for Docker commands, which we’ve based on Docker’s official cheat sheet:
First off, you’ll need to head over to the Docker site to install a version of the software.
To ensure it’s been installed correctly, open the command line and type docker version. This should display something like the below:
docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
Common Options | Explanation |
--add-host | Add custom host-to-IP mapping (host:IP) |
--cache-from | Images to consider as cache sources |
--compress | Compress the build using gzip |
--file, -f | Name and route of Docker file |
--force-rm | Always remove intermediate containers |
--label | Set the metadata for the image |
--memory, -m | Set a memory limit |
--no-cahe | Do not use cache |
--rm | Remove intermediate containers after a successful build |
--tag, -t | Name and optionally tag an image in the ‘name:tag’ format |
--target | Set the target build stage |
Builds an image from a Dockerfile
docker images
Lists all of the images that are locally stored in the docker engine
docker rmi IMAGE_NAME
Removes one or more images
docker pull IMAGE_NAME[:TAG]
Pulls an image or a repository from a registry
docker push IMAGE_NAME[:TAG]
Pushes an image or a repository to a registry
Docker Compose Cheat Sheet
Creates a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]
Common Options | Explanation |
--password, -p | Password |
--username, -u | Username |
Logs into a docker registry
docker logout [SERVER]
Logs out of a docker registry
docker create [OPTIONS] IMAGE_NAME
Creates a new container. This is the same as docker run, but the container is never started. See docker run for options
Common Options | Explanation |
--add-host | Add custom host-to-IP mapping (host:IP) |
--attach, -a | Attach to STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR |
--hostname, -h | Container host name |
--interactive, -i | Keep STDIN open even if not attached |
-it | Connect the container to the terminal |
--label, -l | Set metadata on the container |
--memory, -m | Set a memory limit |
--mount | Attach a filesystem mount to the container |
--name | Assign a name to the container |
--network | Connect a container to a certain network |
--publish, -p | Expose certain ports to the container |
--rm | Automatically remove the container when it exits |
--volume, -v | Bind mount a volume |
--workdir, -w | Set the working directory inside the container |
Run a command in a new container
docker start CONTAINER_NAME
Docker Cheat Sheet With Examples Download
Start one or more containers
docker stop CONTAINER_NAME
Stop one or more running containers
docker kill CONTAINER_NAME
Kill one or more running containers
docker ps
List all containers
Remove one or more containers
Data Science Examples
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get install python3
This Dockerfile would install python3 on top of Ubuntu layer. Dockerfiles are text files that define the environment inside the container
This Dockerfile would:
- install python3 on top of Ubuntu layer
- create a /home/jupyter directory on the container
- copy in contents from the /src/jupyter folder on the user's machine
- Expose port 8000
- Run Jupyter notebook
docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow
Pull a latest TensorFlow image down
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 tensorflow/tensorflow
Run TensorFlow image in a container on port 8000