Sqlplus Cheat Sheet

The SQL cheat sheet provides you with the most commonly used SQL statements for your reference. You can download the SQL cheat sheet as follows:

Admin / password@localhost / database2: Read help about command syntax: HELP ‘ select’ h SELECT: HELP SELECT: Execute shell command! Pwd: Hard-to-explain Oracle scheduler: Execute SQL script from file: source mydir / test. Sql i mydir / test. Sql: echo @mydir / test. Sql sqlplus username / password@connect (only from. SQL Cheat Sheet The SQL cheat sheet is designed to provide a quick reference for the most common SQL statements you use. It is one-page A4 printable document in both PDF and JPEG format. You can print it out and stick it to your desk.

Querying data from a table

Query data in columns c1, c2 from a table

Query all rows and columns from a table

Query data and filter rows with a condition

Query distinct rows from a table

Sort the result set in ascending or descending order

Skip offset of rows and return the next n rows

SqlplusSqlplus Cheat Sheet

Group rows using an aggregate function

Filter groups using HAVING clause

Querying from multiple tables

Inner join t1 and t2

Left join t1 and t1

Right join t1 and t2


Perform full outer join

Produce a Cartesian product of rows in tables

Another way to perform cross join

Join t1 to itself using INNER JOIN clause

Using SQL Operators

Combine rows from two queries

Return the intersection of two queries

Subtract a result set from another result set

Query rows using pattern matching %, _

Query rows in a list

Query rows between two values

Check if values in a table is NULL or not

Managing tables

Create a new table with three columns

Delete the table from the database

Add a new column to the table

Drop column c from the table

Add a constraint

Drop a constraint

Rename a table from t1 to t2

Rename column c1 to c2

Remove all data in a table

Using SQL constraints

Set c1 and c2 as a primary key

Set c2 column as a foreign key

Make the values in c1 and c2 unique

Ensure c1 > 0 and values in c1 >= c2

Set values in c2 column not NULL

Modifying Data

Insert one row into a table

Insert multiple rows into a table

Insert rows from t2 into t1

Update new value in the column c1 for all rows

Update values in the column c1, c2 that match the condition

Delete all data in a table

Delete subset of rows in a table

Managing Views

Create a new view that consists of c1 and c2

Create a new view with check option

Sqlplus Cheat Sheet Template

Create a recursive view

Create a temporary view

Delete a view

Managing indexes

Create an index on c1 and c2 of the t table

Sqlplus cheat sheet pdf

Create a unique index on c3, c4 of the t table

Drop an index

Managing triggers

Create or modify a trigger


  • BEFORE – invoke before the event occurs
  • AFTER – invoke after the event occurs
Oracle sqlplus cheat sheet pdf


  • INSERT – invoke for INSERT
  • UPDATE – invoke for UPDATE
  • DELETE – invoke for DELETE



Delete a specific trigger

Some of our customers’ applications are built around Oracle, so we have to fight the beast from time to time. Unfortunately, some of the surprizes the beast has to offer are quite random and rare, and due to this we tend to simply forget how we fixed and/or circumvented the issues previously.

So this is just an attempt of a small cheat sheat to help our overloaded brains

  1. expired and locked accounts – the basics
    Now, as of version 11g, Oracle has enabled account expiration per default for many vital accounts (such as SYSMAN, SYS, …). Quite a weird idea in my view, but who knows what hyper security things some wise engineer had in mind when doing so.Beware that we run Oracle under various Linux flavours, so things might be different for you.
    • become database admin
      First log into your host running oracle and become the oracle user.
      % sqlplus /nolog
      SQL> connect / as SYSDBA
    • find out which accounts are expired
      select username, account_status from dba_users where ACCOUNT_STATUS LIKE '%EXPIRED%';
    • unexpire an account
      once an account has been expired, it can only be revived by assigning it a new password:
      ALTER USER scott IDENTIFIED BY password;
    • unlock an account
    • disable default password expiry [2]
      this all depends on the profile a user belongs to, to disable password expiry for all users assigned the default user profile do this:
  2. Enterprise Manager: unable to connect to instance
    One of the worst things that can happen in that course is if Enterprise Manager reports “Failed to connect to database instance: ORA-28001: the password has expired (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin)” and then simply rejects to work with the database.So far, we’ve found two accounts to be potential culprits for the problem: SYSMAN andDBSNMP
    • unexpire SYSMAN [3]
      Quite tricky, because you have to change things on two sides: First unexpire the account as explained above. And now tweak oracle configuration.
      As oracle user:
      1. unexpire and unlock the account as explained above
      2. % emctl stop dbconsole
      3. change into
        ORACLE_HOME/<HostName_SID>/sysman/config, for us this would be for example:
        % cd /opt/oracle/111/klotho_ABSDEV/sysman/config
      4. edit the emoms.properties file
        and change the oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwd property to the new password you gave the SYSMAN user.
        Then change the oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwdEncrypted property fromTRUE to FALSE (sidenote: Oracle will revert to TRUE automagically once it is restarted).
      5. change into
        ORACLE_HOME/<HostName_SID>/sysman/emd, for us this would be for example:
        % cd /opt/oracle/111/klotho_ABSDEV/sysman/emd
      6. edit the target.xml file
        and edit those two properties:
        <Property NAME='UserName' VALUE='SYSMAN' ENCRYPTED='FALSE'/>
        <Property NAME='password' VALUE='TheNewPassword' ENCRYPTED='FALSE'/>
      7. % emctl start dbconsole
      8. under “normal” circumstances, everything should be fine now

Oracle Sql Syntax Cheat Sheet

So, as said above this is just a “small” cheat sheet for some annoyances we have met with the great oracle, of course there is much much more to know about the beast